Microsoft word advanced find code
Microsoft word advanced find code

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to match words that end with the search string. Corresponds to the "Match prefix" checkbox in the Find and Replace dialog box. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to match words that begin with the search string. Corresponds to the "Match case" checkbox in the Find and Replace dialog box. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to perform a case-sensitive search. Corresponds to the "Ignore white-space characters" checkbox in the Find and Replace dialog box. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore all whitespace between words. Corresponds to the "Ignore punctuation characters" checkbox in the Find and Replace dialog box. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore all punctuation characters between words. The search options are a collection of boolean values defining how the search parameter should be treated. It returns a collection of ranges which match the search text. This method takes in a string (or wildcard expression) representing the text you are searching for and a SearchOptions object.

microsoft word advanced find code

A search method is exposed by every content control (this includes Body, Paragraph, Range, Table, TableRow, and the base ContentControl object). Add-ins frequently need to act based on the text of a document.

Microsoft word advanced find code